At the end of May I took a trip with my family through Montana and Idaho. Glacier National Park and Craters of the Moon National Monument were areas that engendered wonderful photographic opportunities. The weather was cool, warm, cloudy, rainy, and delightful in all respects during the short eight day road trip. I came back with lots of images and now have an idea of where to return and explore in more detail.
I have added MONTANA/IDAHO-COLOR and MONTANA/IDAHO-MONOCHROME galleries, so please check them out. I have also added two images from the trip to the ABSTRACTS gallery ("Two Cabins, Montana" and "Corn Lily Abstract").
I saw birds, horses with colts, a huge moose that lumbered through a campground, and a bear (fortunately, not a grizzly).
Photographing at the summit of a cinder cone in Craters of the Moon National Monument. Photograph by Linda Lucas
While at the Craters of the Moon, my daughter and I climbed a cinder cone to get a 360° view of the area. We were surprised to see so many plants and trees growing in the desolate, crumbled pumice-like material on top of the cinder cone as there was no evidence of vegetation on its flanks. A couple of trees had died and toppled over, and it was there that I observed another subject to add to my FACES OF NATURE (AND A FEW OTHERS)-COLOR gallery. My daughter caught me photographing the image I call "Evil Looking Face".